3 Rules About Gathering Information For Your Real Estate Business

It’s a known fact that knowledge is power. No matter in which instance you look at this, what you know can be very decisive in having an edge over the other party.

Whether you are a country going to war or even a salesperson trying to land an account, knowing all that more can give the advantage. This works for the real estate industry as well.

And for this, you have to learn how to gather information. That said, here are three rules to keep in mind when gathering information:

#1: It’s fine to admit that you don’t know

People are usually very reluctant to gather information for the simple reason that they have to admit that they don’t know. Instead, it’s wiser to admit that you don’t know and avoid being overconfident. Also, it’s better to admit that anything that you do know might be wrong as well.

#2: Don’t hesitate to ask questions

Most people are hesitant to ask questions because they’re scared of a rebuff in the form of “It’s none of your business”. Simply put, it’s because you fear that you might upset the other person. However, it’s still in your best interests in asking a direct question if you want to know more about the other person. If they don’t want to answer, they won’t. But it’s something that you must find out.

#3: Ask as many open-ended questions as possible

Use Kipling’s six honest serving-men such as What, Why, Who, Where, When and How. While Why might seem a little intrusive and critical, the others just elicit information and are also known as open-ended questions. Alternatively, questions that obtain a yes or no answer is a close-ended question.

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