Three Easy Tips for Protecting Your Home From Thieves

burglarsDon’t let the bad guys take away all the things you worked hard for. Here are a few tips to ensure the thieves will not get away with your precious goods.

Use Light to Your Advantage

If you use the power of light wisely, you could deter most criminals. Be sure to install lighting by all of your doors. If possible, invest in motion sensor lights. Also, whenever you go on a vacation, be sure to set up timers for your interior lights. If the lights are on, thieves will always have to assume you are at home, even when you are far away.

Hide Valuables from Plain Sight

Remember the old saying, “out of sight, out of mind.” If criminals can’t see your valuables, they can’t know what you own. Take a quick walk around your house to see what is visible from outside to the naked eye. If you can, use some kind of curtain to your advantage to shield prying eyes from your goods. You can also choose from a number of high security safes that will also protect your valuables from fire damage.

Invest in a Safe

Be sure you have at least one burglary safe to protect all of your valuables. Stow away your password and/or key in a specially designated and guarded location.

You can find a great quality safe from American Security Products (AMSEC). AMSEC safes have been America’s most trusted safe since the 1940’s. There are a variety of safes available for homeowners on AMSEC’s website, or at safe retailers on and offline.